All our services are in person. While we can stream simchas and special occasions, as required, we have taken this decision the basis of our volunteer capacity.
We have been notified about an interest and need in the community for a Zoom spiritual space and will add details of this on our Ebulletin once this is decided.
If you are interested in discussing, building or being a part of this Zoom-only space, please email Rabbi Leah at

1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month
(Booking form to follow shortly)

2nd Friday of the Month
Please bring veggie food for Kiddush to share.
For Covid safety, please stay home if you’re feeling unwell.

1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month
Next Service: 4th September 2021
with Isaac’s Bar Mitzvah
- There will also be an outdoor kiddush from 12.45pm after the service, which members are welcome to attend, no booking required!

(usually) 2nd Friday of the Month
Next Service: 7th May
- Zoom service: 6 for 6:30pm start.
- We typically finish the service around 7:30pm.
Our Shabbat evening and morning services are in person. Our services are at St Mary’s Community Rooms on Spensley Walk, behind St Mary’s Church on Church Street: St Mary’s Church, Stoke Newington Church Street, N16 9ES. For the occasional simcha, we may also stream a Shabbat service, and that Zoom link will always be in Zoom Room 899668970.
Services in our Kehillah may be led by our rabbi, or one of our ba’alei tefillah, community members have undergone a course of study with the support of Liberal Judaism, to take services, read and chant Torah and give divrei Torah. We are proud to member train: this reflects our ethos of empowerment and Jewish learning.
Our services include both Hebrew and English. We sing traditional, familliar Shabbat melodies and explore new tunes.
I joined Kehillah, or NLPJC as it was then called, to move closer to my Jewish heritage and in order that my children had access to the culture if they chose to know more. I admire the community and wanted to give something back by training as a lay leader, a Ba’al Tefillah. It has certainly been worth it as I am now proud to be part of an unfolding of history and enjoy contributing to Kehillah. Personally I have gained strength, experience, learning and understand more about what it means to be a good Jew; it has given me more commitment to my heritage and shored up my resolve. Netanel Ben Yarden (Michael Lomotey)
We recite the blessing of the wine/grape juice and challah. We encourage all community members to bring vegetarian snacks to share.
Children are always welcome. Cheder and children’s hebrew classes are held, starting from 10:30am. Creche is held on the first service of the month starting at 11am. More information about our youth education here.
We welcome our members’ friends and family.

Periodically Kehillah members will host Friday night meals.Look out for the dates on our Events calendar and via our weekly Ebulletin. If you are a member and you want to come along to an advertised Friday night, please contact us at
If you are a member and would like to host, email our administrator at When you have chosen your date we will publicise it on the website calendar and blog with an indication of the area where you live.