Tu b’Shevat Seder

Hawksley Community Hall Hawksley Estate, London, United Kingdom

Please bring fruits of all kinds, wine or fruit juice, vegetarian dishes and desserts to share. Rabbi Leah and members of the Kehillah are co-leading a Tu B’Shvat Seder, where we will anticipate the coming of spring by eating many types of fruit, wine and juice, as ordained by the Jewish mystics (the kabbalists) for […]

Community second night Seder

St Mary's Community Rooms London, Hackney, United Kingdom

Our community second night Seder is always well attended so please book if you would like to attend! Book your place at our Seder here We are asking for a suggested donation of £15 per non-member and an optional £10 from members (including our Supporting Friends) to cover costs, but if the cost of this […]


Mildmay Club Mildmay Club, 33-34 Newington Green, London, United Kingdom

Protest & Obedience An All-Night Exploration 8pm-12am at the Mildmay Club; 12:30am onwards at Rabbi Roni’s concluding with Shacharit at 3:30am. Join New Stoke Newington Synagogue and Kehillah North London for our Tikkun Leyl Shavuot, all-night learning to celebrate the festival of revelation. This year, we’ll be exploring the theme of Protest & Disobedience, with […]

Tisha B’Av service and study session

Hawksley Community Hall Hawksley Estate, London, United Kingdom

Come and mark the the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, an annual fast marking the destruction of the temples in Jerusalem. As this is a fast day, please do not bring food to this session. Map to Hawksley Hall here

Event Series High Holidays 5784

erev Rosh Hashanah

St Mary's Community Rooms London, Hackney, United Kingdom

If you are able volunteer, please come early to help set up chairs or welcome at the door. We also are still looking for people to pass out kiddish, help with lunch. If you can help at any service on the day, please approach the welcomers or wardens as you arrive to let them know […]

Event Series High Holidays 5784

Rosh Hashanah morning service

St Mary's Community Rooms London, Hackney, United Kingdom

Rosh Hashanah Morning service: Children's activities will be running during the morning service, joining the main service at 12:30pm. Taschlich will be after the morning service at 1:15pm. Rosh Hashanah community Lunch - 1:30 - 3pm. Book tickets here

Event Series High Holidays 5784

Kol Nidre

St Mary's Community Rooms London, Hackney, United Kingdom

Join us to start the Day of Atonement with the beautiful melodies of Kol Nidre. Book tickets here Kol Nidre appeal: If you wish to make a donation to the Yom Kippur appeal fund, either in aid of Akwaaba and/or to support our Kehillah, this can be made during the booking process, or after the […]

Event Series High Holidays 5784

Yom Kippur

St Mary's Community Rooms London, Hackney, United Kingdom

Join us for a day of prayer, reflection, meditation, and learning. Morning service - 10.30am - 1:15pm. (Children's activities will be running during the morning service only: we will provide lunch & snacks for those children who come along for the activities.) Mussaf service - 1.30pm. Afternoon study session - 4- 5:45pm. Yizkor memorial service- 6:10pm. Neilah - […]

Event Series High Holidays 5784

Sukkot meal and erev Shabbat service

St Mary's Community Rooms London, Hackney, United Kingdom

Join us for a service and communal meal in the Sukkah. Please bring vegetarian food to share. We are also looking for volunteers to help bring items and decorate our Sukkah. Email Ashleigh if you are interested in helping.

Chanukah party

St Mary's Community Rooms London, Hackney, United Kingdom

Join us to light candles, eat latkes and sing songs