Divrei Torah

The writings are the opinion of the individual author and does not necessarly reflect that of Kehillah North London.

If any Kehillah members would like give a d’var torah, please email Rabbi Leah Jordan at RabbiLeah@kehillah.org.uk to discuss your interest

Toldot 5781

“Jacob made mistakes, but he acted as his mother wanted him to do. And he later came to regret the harm he’d done. I…

Vayeira 5781

Climate Justice Shabbat sermon “Ha-Shofet Kol Ha-Aretz lo Ya’aseh Mishpat?!” “Will the Judge of all the Earth not do Justice?!” demands Abraham, our moral…

How long till Black Futures Month?

Black History Month D’var Torah  This paper is a combined version of two separate sermons both delivered during Black History Month at Black led…

Korah 5780

Korah and his friends Datan and Uviyram went together to Moses and the 250 men of the congregation to confront him, to ask why…


“My father was a wandering Aramean… He went down to Egypt in meager numbers and sojourned there; but there he became a great and…