Divrei Torah

The writings are the opinion of the individual author and does not necessarly reflect that of Kehillah North London.

If any Kehillah members would like give a d’var torah, please email Rabbi Leah Jordan at RabbiLeah@kehillah.org.uk to discuss your interest

Rabbi Leah’s Sermon For Elul

I suppose it’s always true – but this year, Elul – this month we’re in before the start of Rosh Hashanah – the month…

Tamara Micner’s Adult Bat Mitzvah/Bas Mitsve

 כ’האָב יאָ געהאַט אַ בת מצוה שױן I did already have a bas mitsva. װען איך בין געװײן 11/12 יאָר אַלט, האובן די טאַטע־מאַמע…

Rabbi Leah’s Parashat “Emor” Sermon

Before I went on parental leave over a year ago, I promised some Jewish uni students in Oxford, including a member of this community,…

Rabbi Leah’s Welcome Back Sermon

I am struck – Having been on parental leave from Purim in March last year to Purim just this past month, for a whole…

Shemot 5784

Sh’mot verses 1-22 Sh’mot,  this week’s portion, is a storytelling and exegetical bonanza – one of the most symbolically rich and emotive in contemporary…

Shabbat HaGadol Sermon

Shabbat Shalom. This Shabbat is a particularly special Shabbat, and not just because it’s my very first Shabbat with you. It’s Shabbat HaGadol –…