Racial Justice Group
Mission Statement
Kehillah’s Racial Justice Group was formed in 2020 as a reaction to the death of George Floyd and worldwide protests for racial justice. We are a politically and racially diverse group of Kehillah members. All members of Kehillah are welcome to join our meetings, which are held every two months, sometimes in person and sometimes over Zoom.
In our meetings, the Racial Justice Group uses the tools of Torah – using Jewish texts to discuss racial justice; Teshuva – reflecting on what we can do better; and Action – committing to practical actions and plans for change.
We envision a community where everyone feels supported and empowered to fully be themselves. We envision a community where the full diversity of Jewishness is recognised and celebrated. We envision a community that contributes to ending racism.
Our goals are to…
● Promote inclusion and celebrate the diversity of our kehillah and Judaism as a whole
● Be a Jewish voice to fight for equality and Justice
● Strengthen Kehillah’s relationships with other communities
● Offer solidarity to those suffering from racial discrimination
● Work in solidarity with broader social justice movements
● Diversify our understanding and practice of Jewish identity, religion and culture
● Educate about the effects of empire and colonialism to better understand racism
● Advocate for refugee and migrant justice
● End racism and antisemitism
The Racial Justice Group welcomes new members. For information about our next meeting, please email info@kehillah.org.uk.
Anti-Racism Work & Resources
We at Kehillah are committed to unlearn, dismantle and ultimately end racism as a community. This is a list of anti-racism and racial justice work and resources to supplement our work towards a more just community and world. Thank you to the various communities that have created, gathered and shared this information.
- Criteria: A short movie by Noami Joseph
- We Are Family: Rethinking Race in the Jewish Community | Rabbi Angela Buchdahl |Yom Kippur 5781/2020
- BBC News segment on racism & antisemitism experienced by Black Jews & Jews of Colour featuring Kehillah member Michael Lomotey
- Racism in the Jewish Community: The Uncomfortable Truth
- Changing the “Ashkenormative” Narrative
- Special Congregation Beth Tikvah Coffee Klatsch with Jared Jackson from Jews in All Hues
- “Your struggle is our struggle” – panel call for renewed anti-racist solidarity
- United Synagogue: Our voices heard. Our experiences. Our perspectives.
- For Black British Jews, the Racism We Face Is Personal and Structural
- ‘I have to justify my Judaism because of my skin colour’
- Feeling Invisible April 2018
- Ways Your Congregation Can Act Now for Racial Justice
- How I Celebrate Black History Month As A Black British Jew
- China's 'tainted' cotton
- Jewish Action to Stop Uyghur Persecution
- Faith leaders speak out against potential genocide of Uyghurs
- The Complex Reality of Black-Jewish Coalitions in Georgia